A three-part historical drama series that charts the little known story of the events that followed the Gunpowder Plot of November 5th 1605, where a group of Catholic revolutionaries tried and failed to blow up King James I and the Houses of Parliament.
The series begins where others typically end – in the early hours of November 5, 1605. Caught red-handed beneath the Palace of Westminster, Guy Fawkes guards 36 barrels of gunpowder, ready to unleash devastation. But Fawkes was in reality a peripheral figure in a rebellion fighting for the freedom of all Catholics.
The compelling drama plunges into the aftermath of the Plot, spotlighting its three leaders – Robert Catesby, his cunning cousin Thomas Wintour, and their ruthless enforcer and ‘blunt instrument’, Thomas Percy.
Instantly branded as the most wanted men in England, they race from London to the Midlands, desperately seeking to ignite a Catholic rebellion. Their daring plan? To overthrow King James and place his young daughter, Princess Elizabeth, on the throne. Had they succeeded, Britain might look very different today.
Leading the cast is Chuku Modu (Game of Thrones) as Robert Catesby, Luke Hobson (Mary Queen of Scots) as Thomas Wintour, and Luke Roberts (Ransom) as Thomas Percy.